About Us

May, 2017

We are Dave and Jeanne Hecht and we are here to share our Tales on the Trails with you.  When I, Dave, was young, I spent many years On the Road, in the tradition of Kerouac, the Pranksters, and many others who wander on purpose.  I got older, raised a family, built a successful career and always dreamed of getting back on the road.  I also dreamed of Jeanne.

<insert I Dream of Jeannie soundtrack here>

We have always camped and traveled together, first tents, then  a tear drop, and finally our 36′ National RV Dolphin.  Our intent is to spend 48 months in 48 states, although we reserve the right to make a run for Alaska.  We want to share our stories as we go, but really, we believe more importantly, that we want to tell you the stories of the people we meet along the way.  We want to share our Tales on the Trails.  Tales of excitement, tales of sorrow, tales of life, all a mosaic of the lives we are fortunate to live and the lives others let us observe.

As a good Doctor once said “We’re all just stories in the end so make it a good one, eh?”

March 2020

Three years have passed since we sold the house and moved into our RV. The first two years we went East and even made it to Florida in November 2018. The plan was to spend the winter down there, but like most of our plans that changed.  In late January we went to the RV show in Tampa, it’s one of the biggest RV shows in the country. We weren’t really looking for a new coach but it is always fun to go look at new models. That is where I fell in love with the 2019 Fleetwood Southwind 36P, she is perfect! Four big slides, a washer and dryer and nicer residential refrigerator than we had back in the house!  There were factory representatives there and they told us we wouldn’t be able to find a better deal. Dave being Dave he went home and did some research and found one in Quartzsite AZ for a whole lot less. It had most of the features that I now knew that I must have.

We had to cancel reservations for the rest of the winter and make our way to Arizona at a speed we never travel. We tend to not drive over 200 miles in a day and to stay put for a few days once we get there. This trip was not like that, one day we even drove 500 miles. When we got to see our new home for the first time I almost cried. This is our home.  It’s hard to make an RV look like a home but I do my best and have added many personal touches.

This year the plan is to travel the Midwest for a few months and then head back to California for our daughter’s upcoming wedding.  Mother of the Bride never sounded so good.

I have to say with all the scary and exciting things that have happened in the past three years I can’t wait to see what happens next.

  1. Off you go brother – travel safe and enjoy!! You deserve it. Drink good whiskey, smoke a good cigar and of course………Go Pack Go!

    See you guys in about 8 months

  2. Very green with Envy and what a way to spend retirement.

    Have a blast and love the photos.

  3. We are so blessed to have met you! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!!!

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