On May 1st we started another year as full timers and like so many others we were under a Stay at Home order. When you live your life in a small space you really need to like the person you’re with. I’m very lucky to be going through life with my amazing Dave.

I was happy that when all this went down we were in our “Home” park – we didn’t have to worry about where we would spend the next night! So many RV parks closed or weren’t letting new people in. I was thankful that we had decided to make one last run to Vegas to stock up on supplies. When you live in an RV you don’t really stock up so we had very little in our pantry. We found all we needed at Sams Club and even found toilet paper at Walmart. We were set to ride it out, well as well as anybody could be. I miss going out for a mani/pedi but I adapted – a girl has to do what a girl has to do!

I was, still am, worried about my Mom. She has health issues that put her at high risk. How is she going to make it? I cried many worried tears about her. Also, our Grandson Stevie has me worried – he’s only 5 and his little lungs still have so much scar tissue from when he was sick as a baby. How does this effect him?

We made the decision to head north when we thought it would be safe. Our part of Nevada gets pretty hot and we have already seen 100 and I’m not a fan. We have been very diligent about self distancing and wearing masks when we go out. It’s so weird to wear a mask into a bank.

As most of you know we have really been working on getting fit. We started this Stay at Home doing 4-7 miles a day walking or running. Now we are at 6-9 miles a day, not all at once. We had been talking about getting e-bikes for a few years now and found a company right here in Pahrump that sells them. We went one day to look at what they had. Needless to say once I rode one I was hooked. E-cells is the brand and it’s unlike any other bike we have seen. Dave is on a snazzy orange one and mine is a beautiful red. With new bikes we’ve opened up another way to exercise and hopefully keep on track to hit my goal.

This whole pandemic has really made us stop and think about so many things. One thing is for certain is that I know I’m beyond lucky to be on this adventure we call life with Dave.

Just my thoughts



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