Most of my deepest memories are somehow wrapped around food. Smells. Family memories etched into my brain and wrapped in 2000 yummy calories!

Food and weight and eating habits are deeply personal and encoded in us at nearly the DNA level it seems. We wouldn’t dream of telling you how to live or what to eat, we don’t all get votes in each others lives, no matter what social media says!

What we can and will do is share with you what has helped us to modify whats for dinner in a way that still satisfies us without heaping on the calorie count. We have found this book: The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet, to have recipes that satisfy our appetites, and our memories of what a good meal should be, while still leaving some room in the calorie count to allow weight loss.

Jeanne has read it cover to cover, a little at a time, and we use it nearly daily, at first as our cook book, and then as we learned, as an idea bank to invent our own low calorie, high volume meals.

I’m not a life coach but I do have life experiences. I haven’t made it to 54 without learning a thing or two. Let’s just say my life has had its share of hard times, maybe more than one persons share, but I’ve now become a more confident person in so many ways. I tell you this just so you know that if I can rise above and beyond that then so can you.

Jeanne Hecht – Tales on the Trails

We’re not dietitians, or exercise experts, but we can do basic math and we have learned that if we burn more calories than we take in, good things happen! We strive for 1300-1500 calorie days and our fitbits tell us we burn nearly twice that. Walking an hour a day not only gives you a great opportunity to talk and meet your neighbors, but it burns those calories! We’re huge proponents of an app called Couch to 5K – it was a life changer for us. Watch for our post about it!


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