Just a shameless plug for a place we found and will definitely go back to – Bozeman Hot Springs Campground.  Were the sites large and private?  Nope.  Were the facilities maintained so well as to warrant mention ?  Nope. Did they have a hot spring spa and exercise facility right next door included in the price AND a free breakfast in the morning?  HELL YES!  Not really a whole lot more to say.  The Hot Spring Spa has a dozen pools, some inside, some out with temperatures ranging from 106 to COLD as cool down pools.  All were clean and the temperatures clearly posted and up to date.  This was a much needed relaxation stop after so much go-go-go.  Its a few hours out of Yellow Stone and I am sure we will be back!  No pictures to share as I just didn’t wanna be that guy taking pictures of strangers in their swim suits….well, actually, yes I did want to be, but I have learned restraint.  Sort of.  Some of those back packer guys looked pretty big and I wasn’t in the mood for a fight.


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